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Brazilian Wax or Sugar

A Brazilian includes the front of the pubic bone, around the external genitals, between the upper thighs, and between the cheeks. Depending on your preferences, you can choose to remove all hair in the area or leave a small strip or triangle in the front. 

The V Lady offers two methods of hair removal using sugar or wax. Both methods are effective and provide long-lasting results, and the choice between them is often a matter of personal preference.

We recommend that you block off 30-45 minutes, but the hair removal itself will take less time.

One common question we get is "Does a Brazilian hurt"? This will vary from person to person, depending on your pain threshold. There is a bit of discomfort as the hair comes out by the root. When done properly, you will feel discomfort, but you should not be in pain. If you are nervous about getting a Brazilian, we recommend trying a bikini wax or a bikini sugar first.

Avoid caffeine (coffee or soda) before your appointment, as that can contribute to discomfort. You may also benefit from taking an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory or pain reliever, such as ibuprofen, prior to your appointment. Please refer to your doctor before taking any medications.

There are several tips and tricks that I know to help alleviate discomfort, such as applying pressure to the area. I do everything that I can to make you as comfortable as possible.

Please check out our FAQ page to browse more commonly asked questions.

I welcome you just as you are. No trimming, shaving, cutting, tweezing, plucking, or home depilatory products for a minimum of 3-4 weeks before your appointment. Even if you are all-natural or “overgrown,” please do not make any adjustments to the service area. If the hair is too long, I can trim as needed to prevent hairs from becoming too short to be removed and left behind.

For clients with home care routines, please refrain from using topical exfoliants, anti-aging products, and topical antibiotics for two weeks before your appointment. Continued usage of these products and medications with hair removal services may require a method change or doctor's note to proceed. Please inquire.

The list of products to avoid includes, but is not limited to: vitamin A, vitamin C, retinol, retinoids, clindamycin, salicylic acid, glycolic, ingrown treatments, sugar scrubs, dry brushes, and tretinoin.

Please shower on the day of your treatment. Please refrain from intimate activities prior to intimate area services. Any exercise and/or sauna treatments should be done prior to hair removal, not after. Please wear clean, loose, comfortable clothing to your appointment and cotton, non-thong undergarments for Brazilian or bikini services.

Restroom Usage

We recommend using the facilities and cleansing both the front and backside of the genital area prior to your appointment. I provide an individually-wrapped, single-use, wet wipe to freshen up before your Brazilian or bikini hair removal. It is safe for front or back usage but not internal. Hair removal services will not be done on areas with leftover urine, discharge, fecal matter, or foreign objects like toilet paper, etc.

Menstrual Cycles

Yes, hair removal can be done while menstruating! Please come with a fresh tampon or menstrual cup already inserted. Sanitary napkins or period underwear are not acceptable. In order to proceed with your appointment, the skin must be clean and free of any blood or uterine tissue. Please keep in mind that due to hormone fluctuations, your level of sensitivity may be heightened right before, during, or soon after your cycle. It can be advisable to take an over-the-counter anti-inflammatory or pain reliever, such as ibuprofen, before your appointment. Please refer to your doctor before taking any medications.

  • Your health history form, which was completed and submitted prior to your visit, will be reviewed again to confirm that there haven’t been any changes that could interfere with the service and that we are safe to proceed. Adjustments may be made, if necessary; please see policies.
  • I will give you instructions on how to “get ready” and will leave the room for your privacy to undress from the waist down. After a brief moment, I will return to discuss the day’s treatment and your last visit/service when applicable.
  • Every service I offer is customized to your body, your skin, and your needs. I always start with clean hands and clean gloves. I’ll have you position your body in a way that allows access to the treatment area, and I’ll adjust any towels and drapes.
  • I will prep the treatment area by cleansing of any oils, bacteria, or debris with a cleanser chosen for your skin. Next, I’ll apply a protective barrier layer, generally a hydrating oil or powder (clay-based and talc-free, of course). Finally, the pattern and direction of the hair growth are determined, and the hair removal service begins.
  • Once the service is complete, post-care products are applied based on how your skin reacted to the treatment. I have oils, balms, powders, serums, and creams to customize the final treatment. The session ends by re-draping the treated area, and then I’ll leave the room for you to re-dress.

Please stay in touch and let me know how it goes. Feel free to share anything that typically happens for you or that doesn’t usually happen but did; if you got lumps, bumps, ingrown hairs, or other skin reactions after your treatment, I would like to know. I carry home care items available for purchase to round out your service and maintain your skin and results. Moisturizers, exfoliants, and ingrown serums are all available. One of the things I pride myself in is that my maintenance recommendations are not one-size-fits-all. I will make customized recommendations based on your unique skin and individual needs.

Hair removal services are performed every four weeks for optimal results. This helps to thin out the number of hairs and the thickness of the hairs. Under certain circumstances we can treat as early as three weeks, and as late as six in the situation of an event or special occasion, or vacation. We never want to go longer than eight weeks, as the hairs will be given the opportunity to “reroot” and become strong again. At that point, we lose the benefit of wax (less pain, less hair, speed of service) when we don’t treat monthly.

Up to 2 days after your treatment, please avoid the following:

  1. Tanning/tanning beds/laying in the sun. Airbrush tanning is okay, but please check with your artist and their protocols.
  2. Intimacy
  3. Saunas, pools, sweating, gyms, hot yoga, bathtubs, beach, sand, and pool

The idea here is the protect your skin, and keep it free from friction and bacteria. So please take that as our general rule of thumb for aftercare.